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  • html模版新疆阿克圖縣面向疆外招聘警察 月薪8886元(雙語)
    The government of Akto county, Northwest China’s Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous

    Region, has announced that it will recruit an additional 600 police officers

    from outside Xinjiang.


    In order to strengthen stability maintenance work in the county, intensify

    our patrol efforts and enhance the people’s security, the Akto government has

    approved the recruitment of 600 police officers, including 500 males 油煙處理and 100

    females, for the patrol team in the county’s public security bureau, the local

    government announced on its website on March 31.

    當地政府於3月31日在其網站上宣佈, 為進一步加強阿克陶縣的社會穩定工作,進一步加強社會巡邏防控力量,增強人民群眾的安全感,經阿克陶縣委、縣人民政府同意,擬面向疆外公開招聘公安局巡邏防控大隊工作人員600名(其中男性500名,女性100名)。

    Those with a college degree and above will receive 9,064 yuan ($1,300) per

    month and餐廳油煙味 recruits with a high-school degree will be paid 8,886 yuan. Officers

    will also receive a performance-related bonus of between 6,000 and 8,000 yuan

    per year if they pass a test after one year of service.


    According to the Xinjiang Daily, the Xinjiang regional government has set

    an income target for urban residents of 2,500 yuan a month for 2017.


    Turgunjan Tursun, a professor with the Zhejiang Normal University, said

    salaries are high for civil servants in southern Xinjiang thanks to national

    subsidies which favor national security.

    浙江師范大學教授Turgunjan Tursun表示,多虧國傢補貼支持國傢安全,這些工資對於南疆公務員而言挺高的。

    Tursun noted that there is a recent trend to recruit civil servants from

    outside Xinjiang to balance ethnic ratios to safeguard the region’s


    Tursun指出,近期有這樣一個趨勢,為瞭 維護該地區的穩定 ,從疆外招聘公務員以平衡民族比例。

    Police recruitment is open to all ethnic groups, said the government,

    adding that priority will be given to military veterans as well as police

    academy graduates.


    But restrictions also apply. People with obscure understandings and

    attitudes toward the struggle to safeguard the unity of the country, the

    national unity and to maintain social stability…as well as those who have ever

    joined illegal cults and illegal organizations, such as Falun Gong, are not

    allowed applying, read the recruitment notice.

    但是也有限制。通知寫道: 對於捍衛國傢統一、民族團結和社會穩定,以及曾經參加過非法邪教和非法組織,比如法輪功的人,不予錄用。

    The Akto Human Resources and Social Security Bureau has organized two

    working teams to take charge of the recruitment in Northwest and Central








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